Minggu, 08 Januari 2017

Drinking coffee is not Influential If sleep deprivation for day

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Drinking coffee is not Influential If sleep deprivation for days

New York-most of the people believed, consuming coffee is able to make them more awake when sleepy. But the caffeine content in coffee will have no effect when the person is lack of sleep for several days.

It is known after researching small studies against 48 people who sleep only five hours a night for five nights. During the two days, participants will be given coffee containing 200 mg of caffeine or a placebo.



2 Proof Caffeine Thus make a healthier body

It turns out that Drinking Espresso Coffee can Give 5 benefits for the body

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The result after three nights, the level of alertness and performance of participants participants in a series of tests. Including those who have been drinking coffee.


During this time the caffeine is generally used to improve the performance of people who are sleep-deprived. However, from the data we have is the effectiveness of caffeine content in coffee is not able to reduce drowsiness in people who do not sleep for several days,

said biologists from the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, United States, Tracy Jill Doty.

In a study presented in the Associated Professional Sleep Societies in Denver last June 14, Doty did not increase the amount of caffeine in the participant from time to time. According to Doty, excessive Caffeine consumption instead would cause side effects.


We don't know what will happen when the intake of caffeine added. However, increased doses of caffeine will increase side effects such as restlessness,

said Doty was quoted as saying the page Live Science, Friday (20/6/2016).