Senin, 19 Februari 2018

Exercise Too Might Can Cause Varicose? This is the word doctor

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Exercise Too Might Can Cause Varicose? This is the word doctor


Jakarta, Sports is a physical activity that is liked by many people with different types of sports, frequency, and itensity. With exercise, the body will be healthy and protected from various diseases. But it turns out sports can also cause negative effects. According to a medical specialist doctor from RS Mitra Kemayoran, dr Michael Triangto, SpKO excessive exercise can cause varicose veins. Varicose veins are enlarged and enlarged veins (vein) which usually occurs in the legs. The blood vessels to the area (foot) must be guaranteed and sufficient supply. Because if we exercise means to train our muscles we to do what we ordered, "said Dr. Michael when contacted detikHealth, Monday (24/07/2017) .Read also: Exhibition Prepared Pajama after Racing, Bicycle Rider This So Discussion Next, heart and blood vessels of the National Heart Center Hospital Harapan Kita, Dr. Isman Firdaus, SpJP, MD also tells the same thing. Barbell blades, sports thrust, tug of war, heavy-weight can be varicose veins. But if the sport is light, baseball, he told detikHealth on the same day.dr Isman explained that heavy activity can increase blood supply to the veins. While the varicose veins caused by venes incompetence itself. This causes the vein does not drain the blood back to the heart so that the blood vessels that are accumulated will widen and enlarge. In order not to experience varicose veins, Dr. Isman recommends to compensate with milder types of sports such as aerobics or jogging . Have to eat healthy, healthy life, avoid straining, smoking and alcohol, he concluded. Also read: There are Varicose veins in the Vagina, Pregnant Women Recommended Childbirth with Caesarean Procedure (wdw / up)



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